Eric O. Jacobsen & Sara Joy Proppe

Podcast Hosts


TRailer - Introduction to the embedded church podcast

Eric and Sara Joy discuss their vision for this podcast and explain the key terms that form the basis of the name for this podcast. They provide a framework for what it means to be an embedded church in a walkable neighborhood and how this environment creates unique opportunities to develop a deeper sense of belonging within our communities. They also define the built environment and new urbanism as a design approach that encourages more social interaction and well-being among neighbors, laying the foundation for key topics in future episodes.


Links to resources and terms from this episode:


Congress for the New Urbanism

Proximity Project

Books / Media

Sidewalks in the Kingdom by Eric O. Jacobsen

The Space Between: A Christian Engagement with the Built Environment by Eric O. Jacobsen

Walkable City by Jeff Speck

The Walkable City TED talk by Jeff Speck

Key Terms


Built Environment

Embedded Church

New Urbanism
